About Basit Ali
Primry teachr Mardan |
Male Age27 years old LocationMardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education |
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Iam neelam from peshawar and i did my m.a n botany, like shopng Listening since 3483 Day(s) | |
TECH at MC!Network Listening since 3488 Day(s) | |
HuRt Me WiTh TrUtH....
BuT nEvEr SaTiSfY mE wItH a LiE... Listening since 3497 Day(s) | |
I m lil lyk psycho....... :p No One Can UndrStnd Me............. :/ Listening since 3502 Day(s) | |
No information provided! Listening since 3509 Day(s) | |
sheenkhalai 4m peshawar doing job.n free tym i like 2 sleep r do sme xperimental cooking. Listening since 3513 Day(s) | |
I'm Khushi 4m Peshawr. D0ing Fsc Listening since 3516 Day(s) | |
M.PHIL in pure Mathematics from university of science and technology. Listening since 3523 Day(s) | |
No information provided! Listening since 3526 Day(s) | |
Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. :)
Listen Me 4 Poetry. Listening since 3529 Day(s) |
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