About Hina Khan
Male Age LocationPeshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education |
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Fashion Is The WaY To Impress People, And SuNNat Is The WaY To Impress ALLAH, Choice Is Yours.
Think Deeply. Listening since 4021 Day(s) | |
Jab Kabi tujhy Meri Yad Aye Chaly Anaa...Ek Dafa Kholy Dil Drwazy bnd Ni Hoty Listening since 4022 Day(s) | |
<--'?'-->a!Xa k0! z39daG! Ma! aA3y j0 z39dAg! k0 z39dAg! b9Aa3y<--'?'--> Listening since 4022 Day(s) |
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