About Aisha Ansari
Female Age LocationHyderabad, Sindh Education |
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Thanks Dear For Seeing My Profile If U Want To Contect Me Then write Listen Anti Send It To 8583 Listening since 3825 Day(s) | |
U hUrt mE MorE ThaN I d3sErvE.
It Is JuSt BeCoZ I LovED U MorE ThaN U d3sErvE!
AdD EsHi
4 nICe frIndShIP. Listening since 3825 Day(s) | |
I M KaiNaaT KhaN From FaisaLaBad I Share DaiLy #Romantic #SadPoeTrY #UrdUPoetry Type Listen KeNat SeNt To 8583 Listening since 3825 Day(s) | |
"Take Risks in Your Life If u Win,
U Can Lead!
If u Loose,
U Can Guide! "
ADD AN33S 4 JOKES & INFO, Listening since 3825 Day(s) | |
Listen Rj-group Send 8583. for n!ce updates #poetry , jokex , & othere, Listening since 3829 Day(s) | |
=>DaiLy HaDeeS,
IsLaMic InFo
HasiL Krny K Lye
SenD 8583.
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Smile Official Account for System & company update, Listen us! Listening since 3869 Day(s) | |
Saleem here from Punjab university LHR.
(DEPTT OF GEOGRAPHY) Listening since 3881 Day(s) | |
No information provided! Listening since 3885 Day(s) | |
Ishfaq Ahmed city kotli age 32 qul BA above 25 to 40 yrs female jo muj se dosti karna chae jesa wo like kar contact with Listening since 3885 Day(s) |
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