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3343 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
3665 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Hundreds of #CCTV cameras to be installed in #Lahore, #Peshawar & #Islamabad along with well equipped monitoring centers to enhance security of these three cities, Lahore gonna be the first one to get these #cameras & afterwards the two others
No doubt it will help!
3796 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Japanese Researchers have Developed the #World's Fastest #CAMERA, Capable of Snapping an Incredible Shots 4.4 Trillion Frames/sec.
This #NEW CAMERA is around 1000 Times FASTER than any other CAMERA in the WORLD.
#Info #IT #Mc
3814 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
Japanese Researchers have Developed the #World's Fastest #CAMERA, Capable of Snapping an Incredible Shots 4.4 Trillion Frames/sec.
This #NEW CAMERA is around 1000 Times FASTER than any other CAMERA in the WORLD.
3825 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
The device works by combining the heat
signature #information from
infrared #camera of #iPhone.
The #result is a negative-type
image of the various heat levels of different colours.
3870 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
#Acting in real life can't increase your standard or value, it only actually works behind the #camera!
#Please #People
Beta B612 aur Retrica ka bhe Ahm Kirdar Hai. @Zehreela