Smile Update

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3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
"We Plan and AllaH Plan's, but AllaH is the best of Planners. Whoever relies UpoN AllaH & Puts all his trust in Him, He will be enough for Him"

3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
"Sometimes ALLAH Places certain people in your life who let you down, just to teach you that you should Never depend on Anyone but only ALLAH"

thanks misha:-)
@Candii, Liked your C41 Update
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3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
"Absence Is The Best Presence.
If Pe0ple Are Absent Then u Miss Them,
And If u Miss Them That Means They Are Present In Y0ur Heart..

@AUsPIciOUx.BAbY, Liked your C36 Update
*Ad:Connect & Share online at http://www.SmileSN.Com

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3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
".We can complain to everyone about our problems, but the only one who can solve them is AllaH."
So Bleave In ALLAH

3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Life is a compromise between your feelings and your reality..
At every stage you have to quit your feelings and accept the reality.!

Bro Thanks Baby k liye r smile mery liye,:-)
You're mentioned on @DiiaMoND Update
DiiaMoND: :-),Thanks..
@R0OP, @AUsPIciOUx.BAbY, Liked your C321 Update

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3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
"Sometimes, we don't need an advice. What we need is just someone who will listen.
And ALLAH is the best Listener."

3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
"The Shortest and authentic solution of every problem is
Namaz!!! Because
"Those who knee down to ALLAH
Can stand up against anything'"

@FaNTaSTiCGirL, Liked your C28,C35,C36,C41 Update
*Ad:Connect & Share online at http://www.SmileSN.Com

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3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
You know that moment when you connect with someone and you feel alive? Avoid that. That's how love starts and I don't recommend it.

3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
#DIIAMOND Mere Ishq sy Mili he Tere Husn ko ye Shohrat...
Tera ziker hi kahan tha Meri Dastaan sy Pehly....$

3910 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Sonapa Jab Sab Shadi Kar K Pareshan Hai Tu Shadi Q Karty Hai?
Papa:Beta AQal Badam Khanay Se Nahi Thokar Kha Ke Aati Hai...
@FaNTaSTiCGirL, Liked your C326 Update
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