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3693 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Yallah how to get rid of these #rikshwas got very dirty scratches on car due to a stupid one, #hayatabad is so neat,clean & rush free as this dirt is not allowed inside its premises, wish if these could be eliminated or properly trained.
#Peshawar #KPGovt #PTI

3719 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
#PKHA is mad, why they hv started tax collection on tat rotten disintegrate #Mardan ring road or bypass wotevr they call it?
At least I always get an issue in car whnevr I use it
Why v r paying so much taxes whn #KPGovt is going to charge us 4 using their made roads

The roads are mad or made these days my dear Shahzad Khan.ANWAR.03441999275.

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tax paying is a public duty .we shuld do it thinking of saving system

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4022 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#Kpgovt: Cops salaries to go up next month, says IG KP. … …

4022 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#Kpgovt: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Minister Shaukat Yousufzai vows for better health care facilities : …

4028 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#Kpgovt: Police plan model traffic corridor in Peshawar

4030 Day(s) Ago - via Web

4032 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#InsafRadio on #Smile now,, please send PTI on 8333 and get all the latest updates #PTI #KPgovt