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3987 Day(s) Ago - via Web
A #million #men can tell a #women she is #beautiful, but the only time she'll listen is when it's said by the man she #loves..
"Great Reality" "Tw0 Meters 0f Cloth, And Tw0 Meters 0f Earth,, Is Total. Achievemet of 0ur Life". . . ! Gudnite
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4050 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
It takes #milliOn #peOple tO #cOmplete the #wOrld. . .but it Only takes yOu tO cOmplete mine. . .
GoOdmOrning everybOdy ..
4114 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
WAAR Breaks the Record of #Indian
Blockbuster Chenai Express WAAR Earned
11.8 #million on 1st Day While ChenaiExpress Started with 8million.
#pakistan #movie