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Total 65 Smiles Posted on #NaSeeb Trend
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Sayyed Mohammad Javed Akhtar ▸ Shared with Public 2878 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
!!§§§Mein KaHan SeY LaOn Baata BiKTa KaHan Hai§§§!!
!§WoH NaSeeB JO TuJHe UMar BHar K LiYe Mera Kar DeY§§!!
Sayyed Mohammad Javed Akhtar ▸ Shared with Public 2903 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Tum MuJHy Apni Duaon Men YaaD RakHna Bs iTna
KaFi Hai MEre Liye.!
PHir KHusHi MiLy Ya DukH Ye MEra NaSeeB