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3314 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
#Significance of 7
There are:
7 #Manzils in #Quran,,
7 #Skies in #Universe,
7 #Days in #week,
7 #Raags in #music,
7 #Colours in #rainbow,
7 #Continents in #world
3412 Day(s) Ago - via Web
3556 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Life is a blend Of different shapes,shades and cOntOurs.SOmetimes a small ray Of #light appears frOm #darkness and illuminates all the dark cOrners Of Our life.But sOmetimes a small clOud appears in thi #bright #sky and darkens Our whOle #Life
3562 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
3635 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
Kis Qadar Mushkil Hai Yeh Zindagi Ka Safar #sky
Khuda Ne Marna Haram Kiya Logon Ne Jena.
3635 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
Vo shaksh to aik choti si Baat pe yun roth k chal dia “#sky”
Jaise usay Sadyun se kisi bahane ki Talash thi