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2186 Day(s) Ago - via Web
M3ra #2sRa ISHQ #BaRiSh H3y__*
#P3hLa To #TuM JaNty hO Na__*

2244 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
#Arsall123 (aRsAlL123) Smiled about #Love
#KhI, Ohh.Aahh.Ehh. Love Love 2. 2 Freant.s Oh, Hi, Laako. Frout. Hahaha Kaise ho? Aap Sb Dost.Jaan

2650 Day(s) Ago - via Web

Bs Bs Aur Na Barsa BaRiish ko Naii to tere Aashiq keSath Sath Hum B Free Main Beh jayenge

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2798 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
!!__PHir PaLat Aai He BariSH Ke SoHaNi RaTein__!!
!!__PHir Teri YaaD MeiN JaLny Ke ZaMaNy Aay__!!