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3900 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
'*....MuKar GaYe HaiiN WoH CHaHaTToN Se...*
' *....*
'*....MEriii AaDaTToN KoO KHaRaB KaR Ke.....*
'-> TiP: aDD RoBa
'S3Nd To 03318190479
'-> #JiiNN
'-> #BilLi
'-> #PoETry
3900 Day(s) Ago - via Web
In the "book" of life :- the page yesterdayis over,
the page future is "blank" & page Today is being written,
So write the best u can, bcoz on this book
Eraser doesn't work.
#Fun #Chat #Uchiha #Sanji #LufFy #billi #iisomniac #jiinN #Adult #Jokes #Love
3900 Day(s) Ago - via Web
The lawyer cabled to his client.,
"yr mother in law passed away in her sleep.
Shall we order burial, embalming or cremation?"
Came the reply," take no chances, order all 3."
#Fun #Chat #Uchiha #Sanji #LufFy #billi #iisomniac #jiinN #Adult #Jokes