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3888 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
- li8 Ne b aBI JANa tha ''
TOtal kitNA HWa ?? 200+ hwA K NHE ???
3929 Day(s) Ago - via Web
If I tell you you?re my soul,
Won?t you make the time restore?
Won?t you listen my heart?s cry?
Won?t you let my eyes dry?
If I tell you?re my only love,
Won?t you even love me just as reply?
#LuFfy #EMii #Jin #joe #humaima1 #uchiha #preety #mirth #hiba.6
3929 Day(s) Ago - via Web
Won?t you wipe my tears tonight?
Won?t you help me spend this night?
If I tell you whats in my heart,
Won?t you really hug me tight?
Won?t you hold me if I fall?
Won?t you answer if I call?
#LuFfy #EMii #Jin #joe #humaima1 #uchiha #preety #mirth #hiba.6 #Muzg
3929 Day(s) Ago - via Web
You?ve no idea what I?ve recieved from you,
The only person I want2 spend my life is wid U..
I love you Sweetie, with all my heart,
I know never in our lives we?ll be apart?
#LuFfy #Jin #joe #humaima1 #uchiha #preety #mirth #hiba.6 #Muzgan #kaali.Churail #EMii
3929 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#LuFfy #Jin #joe #humaima1 #uchiha #preety #mirth #hiba.6 #Muzgan #kaali.Churail #EMii #ThoUghtS #BakamOnoS
Words can?t explain how much I love you,
You bring me smiles, overcome my blue..
Thinking of U constantly makes me smile,
I can?t forget U, oh not for e
3929 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#LuFfy #Jin #joe #humaima1 #uchiha #preety #mirth #hiba.6 #Muzgan #kaali.Churail #EMii #ThoUghtS #BakamOnoS
Endless thoughts ran through my head,
& the talks we had while lying on bed..
Without U life wud mean nothing 2 me,
Oh forever with you, I want to be?
3932 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#Luffy #preety
I know u're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
At night when stars
Light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the MoOoOon
Trying to get u
In hopes u're on the other side talking to me too
Or, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the