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3346 Day(s) Ago - via Web
.... #A Good Relationship
....Is when someone #Accepts your #Past Supports your #Present & #Encourages your #Future..!

3483 Day(s) Ago - via Web
You can't #change the #Past, but you can do something to change the #Present & #Future. #Live the way you want, and have no regrets.

. .*.......Wa AlllllllLaiiiiiKuM AssalllllLaaaM.......* and khair mubrk ap ko be juma mubrk

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3582 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
A true #relationship is some who
Accept your #past!
Supports your #present!
#love you and encourages your #future !

4189 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
"A True #RelaTionShip Is Having S0me0ne Wh0 Accepts Y0u'r #Past..
Supp0rts Y0u'r #PresEnt..
L0ves Y0u & Enc0uraGes Y0u'r #Future...!
"Go0oD NiGhT..*'