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3627 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
That dust on Your #Furniture is not only dirt. It’s mostly made of dead #skin cells. Everybody loses millions of skin cells every day which fall on the floor & get kicked up to land on all the surfaces in a room.
You could say, “That’s me all over.”

4044 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
#Skin Care:
Chehry Ki Chaa'ia Door Karne K Liye Haftay Me 1 Bar Andy (Egg) Ki Sufaidi Me Lemo Ka Rus Mila Kr Chehray Pe Lagaen.
#Tip #Fact #Care

4093 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Tip 4 Dry #Skin in #Winter:
#Care Cold Cream,
Jitni ap Laga Sakein!
us m 2 Qatry Leman Juice , Aur balaie half t sp0on..
Mix krn aur Nyt m Use krn..
snt it again half sntd:-(