About Danish
Hi friends I'm Danish from Gilgit Baltistan Northern Areas & my hobbies are reading,studying and making friends



30 year old


Gilgit, Northern Area


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MukammaL HawaLe K Sath Rozana 1 HADEES HasiL Krne K Liye: AER Likh Kr 8583 Pr Send Kren Facebook.com/AER.SMS
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Salam, Nasir Is Here, Cntct 03336425754.
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~ Get Fun FulL & Entertainment Updates Just ~ => ADD Ansa sent on 03318190484
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It's Complicated .!
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ADD Meh 4 BeSt QouteS and Islamic Msgs..
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=>DaiLy HaDeeS, Ayat, MaSaiL & IsLaMic InFo HasiL Krny K Lye Lekhain: L ISLAMSMS SenD 8583. -
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New eid gah hussain chowk bhakkar road
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Mukammal Hawalay K Sath Rozana 1 #HADEES Apne Mobile Pr MUFT Hasil Krne K Lye: AER Likh Kr 8583 Pr Bhejen 03032016103
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Don't CRoss U'r Limit'S aT 'Chat'WorlD' Use iT 4 Jst Time'Pass. OtherVise u'VL B aLso ALone LikE mE...
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