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Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


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"I m nt a prfct pencl 2 write ur happns, But I 'll b a nyc rbr 2 erze all ur sadns".. (ISLAMIAN HERE):-P:-);)
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dUnYa tErI wUjoOd kO kArTi rHee tLaasH.....! hUm nE tErI khyAaL kO dUnYA bAnA lIAA......! #sH.....
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Em M.akhlaq From Chowk Sarwar Shaheed(M.Garh) Add Care
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KYa H0vA AGr MErEy LaB TErEy LaB0n SeY LaG GaYe....;*' NaRaZ Q HoTaY Ho, BaDLa Tum BhI LeY Lo Hum SeY....;*'
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If u Want all things in one ID Then write Add AishvA Send to 03318190479. Thanks Dear Take cArE. .!
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* In My Dream, He is Mine But~ In My Life, He is a Dream STAY WD US
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- "I Am The Best F0r Them.. wh0 UnderStanD Me.."<3 Have A Nice sTay wD Me..":)
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Software Engineer, Web Developer, Fake SMS, For every updates ADD McSMS send 03318190479 Contct: 03158203908
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