About Qasim
QASIM BA from Karachi doing job




Karachi, Sindh


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Confluence Store by MC Network, allows you to shop online via SMS/Web & get stuffs at your door step, sms CS on 8583
Listening since 3745 Day(s)
I HaVe No BoyFrnD... B,CoZ LiFe AcHi WiD,0uT BacHa. & ADD Me 4 BesT PoETrY, JoKeS, & FuN... Add NiDa Ok? -
Listening since 3760 Day(s)
Listen Arosh send 8583
Listening since 3761 Day(s)
"I d0n'T cAr3 iF yOu R bLAcK , wHiT3, sH0rT,tALl, sKiNnY, rIcH, R p00R. IF y0u r3Xp3cT m3, I'Ll r3sP3cT, T0 y0U..
Listening since 3761 Day(s)
fashion is the way to impress people, and sunnat is the way to impress ALLAH, Choice is yours. Think deeply
Listening since 3762 Day(s)
My Name Asma Layyah Se Age 19 fil hal Free Hoti Hun Dosti K Lye Mujhy Add asma-z Kery nice chat and poetry
Listening since 3762 Day(s)
For #Poetry Add Hafa
Listening since 3762 Day(s)
Thanks Dear For Seeing My Profile If U Want To Contect Me Then write Listen Anti Send It To 8583
Listening since 3762 Day(s)
If You Like Our Poetry Then To Other With Love, OnLy LisTen Zenat My Name is ZeNat KhaN
Listening since 3762 Day(s)
Taluq Fursat K Nahi.. Tawajoo K Muhtaaj Hoty hain Reply Add Face-Book For make me frnd
Listening since 3763 Day(s)
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