Somia abbasi

About Somia abbasi
somia abbasi (UFFAQ) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!




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I don't have Any Attitude Problem Actually I Have a Killer Personality U Can't Handle
Listening since 3418 Day(s)
To Get free news updates and much more just write LMS and send it to 8333
Listening since 3423 Day(s)
Basically I am Student of chemical Engineering deeply interested in science and current affairs. Here I only post Facts
Listening since 3426 Day(s)
No information provided!
Listening since 3429 Day(s)
Get to know what happening inside Pakistan's Politics, sms POL on 8583
Listening since 3434 Day(s)
- Future Assistant Commissioner. - Rather Be Honest Than Impressive. - Swimmer :)
Listening since 3444 Day(s)
Urdu adab ke lye khususi id
Listening since 3447 Day(s)
I'm Maria, working in MC Network as VAS Planning Dept & Technical support Assistant
Listening since 3463 Day(s)
MUskan fatima from abbatbad . age 18 year. doing pera medical .
Listening since 3481 Day(s)
Abdullah ShEikh fr0m khaki manshERa Email:[email protected] CelL n0: n0t avaible ThanKs f0r sEen my p0rfilE....
Listening since 3481 Day(s)
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