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2858 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#LIFE Is Very Complicated D0n't Try t0 find #ANSWERS...ßecause when y0u find Answers #LIFE Changes the #QUESTI0NS....!!

4118 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
toba kisi ny ans ni dia#Questi0n
Q.DUNIA me aisi 1masjid ha js pe hr waqt badl chae rhte ha
1.masjid ka nam(masjid e ghamamah)
2.kis jaga hai (madina)
3.APP S.A.W.W ny k0n c namaz phari thi waha.(namaz.e.istisqa)tb waha barish or ab tk badal ha
share plz

4118 Day(s) Ago - via SMS

4119 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
ShOnI.mOnI: Danger Ranjha share plz
friends add my 2th id shOnI.dIljani
Jo jo rehna chahta meri flist mai so add me .hurry up
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4122 Day(s) Ago - via Web
Ye ans0o ye ghum km nai hongy. .
Ye yaadain ye lmhy hr pal nai h0ngy. .
Bant lo kuch pal hmare sath kushi se. .
Boht yad kro gy jb hm nai hongy. . .
Stay with Poetryking
thanks a lot 4 valuable knowledge