Smile Update

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3160 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Smile about
Some time human get so tired..
In this way he get some rest..
May Allah bless bless all..*

3365 Day(s) Ago - via Web
****************** #Beautiful ******************
Ye keh kar ‘#Frishton’ se jannat main chala jaon ga,
Apni ‘#Maa’ k qadmon k nishan dhoond raha hon…’
**** #Good Night ****
**** #Rest Deeply ****
**** #Sleep Peacefully ****
****#Dream Sweetly ****

3815 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Allow yourself to rest. Your soul speaks to you in the quiet moments in between your thoughts. #Rest

ap ka kes party se tauluq hy.? reply es numbr. 03458785203

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4131 Day(s) Ago - via Web
Forget Computer Passwrd? >Restart Pc >Press F5 >Select-Safe Mode >Select-Administrator >Goto-User A/c >Remove Password
#How 2 add password to files & folders on computer? >Right click >new >Compressed folder >paste file in to folder >Right click add password