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3686 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
The most difficult #cases we usually come through in #Smile is mostly dissension on #religion, there has been so many sects now that we just become numb to decide who is on right & who is wrong...
How to tickle out such things ?

Yar In Chezon ma mat parna. Phans jao gy Buri Tarah. Har tarf sy tm py Kufar ka Fatwa aa jaye ga.

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3693 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
OnE ShouLD NoT JeST aT ThE ReLigioUS beLieFS of oTherS...
Be PoSiTivE...*

3723 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
Dunya Bhr me Mazhab Sirf 1 hi Hai or wo Hai #Islam..
Baqi Tamam Jitne Bhi Gurooh Hn Ye sb Shirk K Tariqe Hn..
ShehzadKhan: Saray #religions tu bad may aye hay tu jes zamanay may religions he nahe tey wo log duzakh may jayangay ya Jannat may ?

3723 Day(s) Ago - via Web
Saray #religions tu bad may aye hay tu jes zamanay may religions he nahe tey wo log duzakh may jayangay ya Jannat may ?

3803 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
#Religion should not be allowed to come into Politics. Religion is merely a matter between man and God. - Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Ik Wo jo Nazar Andz krta he muj Ko
IK mn houn k Dil-o-Jan Se Dewana Us ka.
*~bs tra 7 ho~*

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3966 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
By Whatever Means Justice Is #Established.. That Is Part 0f The #Religion..
- Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Good M0rninG. :-)