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3132 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
#CeLeBrate The #Free #Spirit Of
#IndePendeNce #Day FiLLs yOur
#Life With #HapPinesS And #BLeSsings.
#HaPpy #IndepeNdence #Day #My #FrieNds

3634 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile

3654 Day(s) Ago - via Web

3951 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
Doing yoga.
The chirping of sparrows, a fine light from horizon and moon light above my head, both mixed, making a magnificent view.
Like an Aladin City...
Very peaceful, very calm.
Gonna let my soul and spirit fly, into mystic!!
#Yoga #Morning #Spirit #Mc

@Shona definitely.. Park, ground, kuch na kuch toh hota hay.
Aik toh hum sharmaaty bohat hain.. Logg Kya kahen gay. just take a step.

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