Smile Update

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3422 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
#Good news!
A new #way to send #Romantic kiss to your #girlfriend.
Just #call me and order your #kiss. I will 1#personally go and #deliver it.

3454 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#Good news!
A new #way to send #Romantic kiss to your #girlfriend.
Just #call me and order your #kiss. I will 1#personally go and #deliver it.

3532 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
#Ways t0 get t0 a girl's Heart:
:- Hug her fr0m behind..
:-Grab her hand when y0u guys walk next t0 each other..
:- When standing,
Wrap y0ur arms ar0und her..
:- Cuddle with her..

3636 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
I'm #PeRfeCt iN mY #ImPeRfeCtiOnS, #HaPPy iN My #PaiN, #StRoNg iN My #WeAkNeSsEs AnD #BeAuTiFuL iN mY OwN #WaY BeCz
I'm Me..:-)

3747 Day(s) Ago - via SMS

3942 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
"#CarEeR TiP"
-ThE OnlY #WaY DaT AnYthinG Is EveR #ACcOMPlIsHEd Or FullY #REalIzeD Is By TAkinG #ACtiON.. !!

3956 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
Assalam O Alaikum A #Lesson i got from #Water
"Adjust urself in Every #Situation
In Any shape,
At Any #time &
#Always find out
#Good evening

@newrose Assalam o Alekum, GudEvening...
Plz Nice Poetry nd Nice Chat K Liye Accept My Friend Request
To Accept My Friend Request, Plz Type:
Add Prince-KashiiiF
nd Send It To 8333
Advance Thnks
""'LivinG WithouT""'

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