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3543 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
2 Haftay Qabal Griftar Mobaina Difai Tajzia Kar #ZaidHamid Ko SaudiaArab Pr Tanqeed Ke Jurm Me 8 Saal Qaid Or 1200 Kor'ron Ki Saza Sunadi Gayi.
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3547 Day(s) Ago - via Web
My heart with #ZaidHamid he is a brave #Pakistani, raise your voice to release him - no one is above humanity.

4143 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#ZaidHamid just love you & how exactly you keep on analyzing things.
No doubt you are true #Pakistani

qutle e Husseen asal mean murg e yazeed hy
Islame zinda hota hy hr krubla k bad.
Insan ko bedar to ho lenty do
Hr qoom pukary gi humary hean husseen.
Salaam to Shuhda e Krubula

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4232 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#HamidMir is now destroying image of #ZaidHamid while I can't see a true patriotic person like him, u will never ever find him not having #Pakistani flag on his shirt, even though he is from #Baluchistan where situation are too worst but still!