Smile Update
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2535 Day(s) Ago - via Android
God’s #blessing may come as a surprise and how much you receive depends on how much your #heart can believe.
2630 Day(s) Ago - via Android
خـــــــود کو ڈانـــــــٹوں گا ســـــــاری باتوں پہ۔۔۔
نہ جـــــــانے کـــــــس بات پہ خـــــــفا ہو تم۔۔۔
3202 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
The heart will rest and feel relief if it is settled with ALLAH and it will worry and be anxious if it is settled with people.).
3237 Day(s) Ago - via Web
#True-friendship is seen through the #Heart, not through the #Eyes
#True-friendship isn't #Measured in #Days or #Decades
#Real-friendship is shown in times of #Trouble,
#Prosperity is full of friends..!