Smile terms and conditions

Blocking Strategy
Smile allows its audience to feel free for sharing their ideas among others but it restrict its users as well for creating a good environment by adopting our policy guidelines. If users fail to follow our policy guidelines, it may results in the termination of their accounts. Blocking strategy vary in its function for different areas of Smile such as Chat Room Blocking, Hash Trend Blocking and Complete Account Blocking.

Chat Room Blocking

Reasons for blocking a user through Smile Chat Room services are: Violation of the above rules results in the Chat room feature blocking for 30 Days, there user won�t be able to use chat room.

Hashtag Blocking

Reasons for blocking a user through Smile Hash Tag are:

Complete Account Blocking

Reasons for blocking user account completely are as follows: Violation of the above rules results in the complete termination of Smile account.

Blockage Time as per blocking attempts

For the first attempt Smile user abusing the Hash tag policy rules, hash tag service will be blocked for one month. For the next attempt, hash tag service will be blocked completely for the Smile user.