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2580 Day(s) Ago - via Android
#Goodbye 2017 n #HeLLOo_2018.
Each moment in a day has its own value.
#Morning brings #HOPE,
#Afternoon brings #FAITH,
#Evening brings #LOVE,
#Night brings #REST,
Hope you will have all of them everyday.
2951 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
#faith Faithfulness and good faith are treasures worth more than any gold or precious jewels..
3402 Day(s) Ago - via Mobile
what awesome dream had in last night ....
true #Inspiration
Whether your
#dream comes true
3423 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
The greatest #achievement
of y?ur #faith is when y?u d? n?t get what y?u want,,
Still say....
3493 Day(s) Ago - via SMS
#hello USvA: In spite of what it looks #like, feels and seems like, Have #faith in ALLAH!
Don't let trials pull you from #ALLAH, let them draw you closer!