Community Guidelines
- You may not publish other�s private updates and confidential information such as credit card No, Bank Account No, Address, NIC No or any other contact information without their permission
- You should not post salacious content or should not use images for your profile picture or other user background
- Have a good profile picture; do not use obscene photographic content.
- You may not engage in Username Squatting.
- You may not post malicious content link intended to damage or disrupt another�s users browser or to compromise a user�s privacy
- You may not use the Smile service for the purpose of spamming anyone
- You are spamming if you have Listened large amount of users in a very short time
- You are spamming if you have Listened and Un Listened people in a very short time.
- You are spamming if you are continuously Listening and Un Listening people to gather more attention for your profile
- You are spamming if your updates mainly consist of links, advertisements rather than having something interesting, useful or related to your life events.
Violation of any of these agreements will result in termination of your Smile account. While Smile prohibits such conduct and content on its site, you understand and agree that Smile cannot be responsible for the �Content� posted on its website and broadcast to Smile subscribers and you nonetheless may be exposed to such materials and that you use the Smile service at your own risk.
- You are spamming if a large number of people are blocking you
- You are spamming if a large number of complaints have been filed against you
- You are spamming if u post single update on multiple accounts or multiple duplicated updates on single account
- You are spamming if you post un related updates for a topic using # trend. Hash trends are usually used for recalling specific issues. You should limit your content regarding the hash trend topic. Avoid advertising numbers, other social media links and personal conversations.
- You are spamming if you post single update while creating multiple unrelated # trends for it
- You are spamming if you repeatedly post another users updates as your own
- You are spamming if you are attempting to be followed by others by advertising your contact No or smile account details using # trends or in your mostly updates
- You are spamming if you are annoying other smile users by sending messages and requests. Also avoid slang and irrelevant comments for an update.
- Spam law for Private messaging, friend request, comments
- You are spamming if you are promoting third party sites that claim to get you more followers
- You are spamming if you are creating misleading point of interests. It is strictly prohibited to engage someone in unlawful activities using Smile.
- You may not publish the content for raising the issue of communalism as it is against the policy violation rules
You may not facilitate or encourage any violation of the above statements.